The Renewable Fuels Association congratulated members of the organization for receiving awards today at the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Expo in Minneapolis. RFA board member David Zimmerman of Big River Resources received the High Octane Award, while board member and former RFA Chairperson Jeanne McCaherty of Guardian Energy received the Women in Ethanol award.
“RFA is thrilled to see David Zimmerman and Jeanne McCaherty being recognized for their invaluable contributions to the U.S. ethanol industry,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Our association—and the entire ethanol industry—is lucky to have such thoughtful and passionate leaders in our midst. The industry as we know it today simply would not exist without the vision and dedication of people like Jeanne and David. We congratulate them on their well-deserved awards and look forward to celebrating their achievements today at the FEW.”
Cooper also congratulated Mark Yancey, CTO and Business Development Manager of RFA associate member company D3MAX, for winning the FEW Award of Excellence.
The High Octane Award acknowledges a person who has helped the ethanol industry mature and progress over the years, a person whose passion and unstoppable pursuits have significantly benefited the ethanol industry. David Zimmerman is CEO of RFA member company Big River Resources, which he joined in 2011 as commodities manager and later served as director of trading and risk management. Prior to his years at Big River, David was involved in the ethanol industry as an analyst and risk manager. Zimmerman currently sits on RFA’s Executive Committee.
The Women in Ethanol Award, now in its second year, recognizes a woman within the ethanol industry who plays a crucial role in the growth and success of the ethanol industry. As CEO of Guardian Energy Management, Jeanne McCaherty, of Prior Lake, Minn., provides executive management for three leading ethanol biorefining businesses. She has a master’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Missouri and serves on the board of directors for the Renewable Product Marketing Group and the board of directors for the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association. She served as RFA chairperson from 2020 to 2022 and is currently on the association’s Executive Committee.
The Award of Excellence recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the fuel ethanol industry through their research, technical advisory and/or development activities. Mark Yancey is the chief technology officer and business development manager for RFA associate member company D3MAX, LLC. Yancey is also the vice president of project development for BBI International.
Pictured: Jeanne McCaherty, right, received the 2024 Women in Ethanol Award.