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RFA Responds to USDA on Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program

January 30, 2020

Regulatory, Technical


The Renewable Fuels Association today submitted a response to the U.S. Department of Agricultures request for information on the agencys new Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program, which was created to expand the availability and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to USDAs request for information and look forward to working with USDA and our partners in the retail community, said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. This program builds on the success of USDAs original Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership, which helped increase the availability of E15, E85 and other higher ethanol blends at retail sites across the country. We stand ready to assist USDA and fuel retailers throughout the development and execution of this important program to promote high-octane, low-carbon renewable fuels. In its response, RFA recommended that available funding be primarily directed at offsetting the costs to install and/or upgrade retail and wholesale infrastructure compatible with higher biofuel blends. In addition, RFA stated that funding assistance should be accessible to retailers of all sizes and on a nationwide basis. This should include everything from small, single-store owners to mid-size retailers and large chains. RFA also noted that many of the barriers that discourage broader expansion of higher ethanol blends are regulatory in nature and under the jurisdiction of EPA. RFAs comments ask USDA to encourage its peer agency to take action to resolve these many barriers. Click here for RFAs response to the USDA Request for Information. Click here for more information on USDAs Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program.