[caption id=""attachment_24557"" align=""alignright"" width=""397""] RFA's Missy Ruff, left, received the TRANSCAER Chairman's Award at an RFA Committee Meeting with RFA VP for Regulatory Affairs Kelly Davis.[/caption] Missy Ruff, Technical Services Manager for the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), this week received the 2018 TRANSCAER Chairman's Award, given to a TRANSCAER team member who has contributed above and beyond the normal call of duty to advocate, demonstrate and implement TRANSCAER's principles. The award was presented during the RFA Committee Meeting prior to the start of the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop in Indianapolis. "Your accomplishments and contributions deserve our recognition," wrote TRANSCAER Chairman Keith Silverman in his award letter to Ruff. "The award reflects the endless hours that you personally contribute to plan, organize and implement TRANSCAER training dedicated to the safe handling of ethanol and awareness response training for emergency responders across the U.S." TRANSCAER is a voluntary national outreach effort that focuses on assisting communities to prepare for and respond to a possible hazardous material transportation incident. TRANSCAER members include volunteer representatives from the chemical manufacturing, transportation, distribution, hazardous material storage and handling, emergency response and preparedness, and related service industries as well as the government. "No one is more deserving of this recognition than Missy Ruff," said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. "Her dedication and tireless efforts to maintain the ethanol industry's impeccable safety record should be celebrated. Missy has made it her personal mission to ensure first responders in every state are trained and prepared for any situation. Missy is a highly valued member of the RFA team, and I appreciate everything she does to help the ethanol industry thrive." Ruff leads RFA's award-winning safety initiatives and assists with numerous technical and regulatory initiatives, including rail issues. In addition to her work with TRANSCAER, she has planned and executed hundreds of Ethanol Safety Seminars and workshops across the country training thousands of attendees. Missy works closely with state and federal agencies, industry partners, emergency responders, consumers, petroleum marketers and retailers among others.