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RFA, Growth Energy, USGC Submit Joint Comments on Canadian Clean Fuel Standard

February 21, 2019


The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Growth Energy, and the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) jointly submitted comments to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) supporting their goal of reducing the carbon intensity of Canadas fuel stream through the Clean Fuel Standard. The comments offered recommendations on how biofuels, like ethanol, can help reach the ECCC Regulatory Design Papers goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 23 megatons by 2030. "While there are several details that are yet to be determined, we support the laudable and achievable goal to reduce the carbon intensity of the liquid fuel stream by 11 percent, ultimately leading to a 23-megaton reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. We believe that by using low carbon biofuels such as ethanol, Canada can succeed in its own greenhouse gas reduction goals." The comments suggested expanding the current minimum blending requirement for biofuels from 5 percent to 10 percent nationwide. They also highlighted the importance of ensuring that the biofuels regulations put in place focus on promoting economic growth and securing a pathway to meeting Canadas climate goals. These include improving upstream fossil fuel protocols on exports, limiting abuse of compliance flexibility, and allowing public comment and review of carbon intensity models. RFA, Growth Energy, and USGCs full comments can be found here.