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Mid-Missouri Energy Goes Green with Flex Fuel Mower

August 28, 2017


WASHINGTON - RFA member company Mid-Missouri Energy is home to a new piece of equipment. This one doesn't improve ethanol yield or lower the plant's energy consumption, but it does provide an example for fellow ethanol producers, ethanol proponents and farmers to follow. Mid-Missouri Energy, which operates a 50 million gallon per year ethanol plant in Malta Bend, Mo., is the proud owner of a John Deere flex fuel mower that runs on ethanol blends up to 85%. The E85 used in the mower comes from a local fuel retailer less than one mile away. The commercial mower, a ZTrak Z925M Flex Fuel, was donated by John Deere to the RFA, and Mid-Missouri Energy General Manager Chris Wilson won it earlier this year during a raffle at the 2017 National Ethanol Conference. "I am grateful for the donation by John Deere," said Wilson. "The mower has definitely exceeded my expectations. It is a well-built machine that runs seamlessly on E85. We use it to mow grass at the plant and have it out front for our visitors to see daily. I would recommend this mower to anyone seeking a way to reduce their emissions and use their own product at their facilities," he added. "Every day, the ethanol industry demonstrates to the public how to lower their fuel costs and improve their environmental footprint while using a fuel made from renewable sources," said RFA Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White. "We are happy to see John Deere and Mid-Missouri Energy setting an example for others to follow." Most small engine equipment is limited to E10, or 10% ethanol, but John Deere wanted to provide more options for those interested in using E85 to reduce emissions and support the agricultural economy. Some metropolitan areas have banned gasoline mowers at certain times of day. According to research by EPA, 5% of our nation's air pollution comes from lawn and garden equipment engines and the average lawn mower emits the same amount of air pollution as 11 passenger vehicles. E85 is an excellent option to immediately reduce the impact of small engine emissions. The Flex Fuel mower has been available to the public since July 2013. For more information on the mower, visit: