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RFA VP of Industry Relations Receives Nebraska Corn Board’s Ethanol Industry Appreciation Award

March 17, 2017


WASHINGTON — Renewable Fuels Association Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White has been awarded the Nebraska Corn Board's 2017 Ethanol Industry Appreciation Award for his years of support. The award, given Thursday evening during a formal ceremony, is presented to individuals or industry partners who go above and beyond to help ethanol markets and expand demand for ethanol. The Ethanol Industry Appreciation Award was first presented in 2007 and White is the first non-Nebraskan recipient. "Mr. White leads the effort to increase the availability and consumption of ethanol through consumer education, social media and marketing," said Dennis Gengenbach, secretary and treasurer with the Nebraska Corn Board. "He is a well-sought out technical expert for the industry on ethanol, E15, E85 and blender pumps." "I am very humbled and honored to receive this award from the Nebraska Corn Board," said White. "I have the unique privilege of interacting with farmers daily, and enjoy the relationships that have developed over the years working together to expand the market for corn and ethanol. Thank you again for this treasured award." As part of his job, White works with petroleum marketers and retailers, state and federal agencies, commercial fleets, and individual consumers to increase awareness about the benefits of ethanol and encourage greater development and use of renewable fuels. "The RFA Board of Directors has made expanding market opportunities for ethanol its highest priority," said RFA President and CEO Bob Dinneen. "Robert has led those efforts for RFA and does an amazing job. I am grateful the Nebraska Corn Board has recognized Robert's efforts on behalf of the RFA and I know the entire RFA membership and staff join the Corn Board in their accolades. But more important, we look forward to working with Nebraska's farmers and others to continue to grow this important value-added market."