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RFA Welcomes New Member Valero Renewable Fuels Company LLC

November 28, 2016


WASHINGTON — The Renewable Fuels Association is pleased to announce the addition of Valero Renewable Fuels Company LLC, a subsidiary of Valero Energy Corporation, to its membership. Valero is one of the largest biofuels producers in the United States. Valero owns and operates 11 corn ethanol plants throughout Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Valero is the third largest ethanol producer in the United States with a total annual production capacity of 1.4 billion gallons per year. In addition, it is the largest renewable diesel producer in the U.S., and the world's largest independent refiner. "Valero complements RFA as we advocate for continued growth and use of renewables. Through its vast ethanol plant footprint in the United States, Valero provides countless benefits to consumers by helping to clean the air, increase energy independence and boost local economies. We are proud to count Valero Renewables as an RFA member and look forward to the company being an active member as we work together to expand marketplace opportunities for ethanol." "Valero is proud of our high performing ethanol plants, their excellent safety record and commitment to the communities where we operate," said Valero Vice President of Alternative Fuels Martin Parrish. "Joining RFA provides a strong conduit to support our operations, especially as we cooperatively work to promote renewables, grow our ethanol market and provide opportunities to further strengthen the nation's liquid fuel sector."