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RFA Partners with RFF to Offer National Ethanol Conference Scholarships

October 27, 2015


WASHINGTON — The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) announced today that it is once again partnering with the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF) to offer scholarships to students who are interested in attending the National Ethanol Conference (NEC), which is scheduled to take place Feb. 15–17, 2016 in New Orleans. "The NEC is the premier event for the ethanol industry, and it offers students a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet the industry's movers and shakers up close and personally," said Mike Jerke, chairman of the RFF and CEO of Guardian Management LLC. "Our goal is to prepare the next generation of biofuel leaders to take over the reins so that the industry remains vibrant. The NEC is the perfect place for students to learn, ask questions, and network." This year's NEC , titled "Fueling a High Octane Future," offers students the opportunity to receive an in-depth look into the ethanol industry, as speakers are set to address such topics as higher ethanol blends, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), E15, and global marketing. Interested students should submit a 500-word essay explaining how their attendance at the NEC will help them achieve their future goals. They should also submit two letters of recommendation, an up-to-date resume, and a school transcript. Scholarships are only available to students who are attending a U.S. institution of higher learning or foreign students who are affiliated with the U.S. ethanol industry. For full consideration, applications must be received by Dec. 18. Application materials can be found here: