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DDGs Feed Livestock and Our Economy- Export Exchange 2010

August 20, 2010


You are most likely aware of ethanol fuel, but how much do you know about ethanol's co-product, dried distillers grains, or DDGs? DDGs are commonly used as livestock feed as they are a rich source of protein and fiber. The United States produces over 30 million metric tons of DDGs each year.  In a recent National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) podcast, RFA President Bob Dinneen explains that we are producing a vast amount of this co-product, however similar to the "blend wall" with ethanol fuel, we are approaching a "feed wall", the saturation point in domestic U.S. market.  Dinneen discusses the importance of the DDG export market with other countries around the world. The U.S. has already exported 4.06 million metric tons of DDGs in just the first six months of 2010, a record amount. An upcoming event that the RFA will be co-hosting with the U.S. Grains Council is the Export Exchange 2010 in Chicago, IL, October 6-8th. This will be a critically important event for the industry as the conference will focus on educating and connecting international buyers of DDGS and coarse grains with the U.S. Participants will represent nearly 80 percent of the global trading market. Keeping our channels of trade open and expanding these relationships around the world it vital in order to increase and improve our international markets. Don't miss your chance to attend this conference, register today. For more information, visit