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Radio Reports
Podcast: Carbon Capture for a Net-Zero Future

November 23, 2022



New pipeline projects in the Midwest utilizing Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS), also called Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), technology offer the opportunity for the ethanol industry to lead the way to a net zero energy future and the Renewable Fuels Association is supporting that pathway for its members.


In this episode of the Ethanol Report podcast we hear from a number of stakeholders in the carbon pipeline space: 


RFA chairman Erik Huschitt with Badger State Ethanol, RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper, Summit Carbon Solutions Chief Commercial Officer Jim Pirolli, Navigator CO2 vice president of government and public affairs Elizabeth Burns Thompson, Wolf Carbon Solutions senior vice president for corporate development Nick Noppinger, South Dakota farmer and ethanol plant founder Ron Alverson, and Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation president Mark McHargue.