Safety Information

Nothing is more important than the safety of the people who work in the renewable fuel industry and the consumers we serve.  We have a very good track record and intend to keep it that way. 


The RFA recommends ethanol plants put a strong company emphasis on plant and employee safety.  To ensure the continued safety of those who come in contact with ethanol, the RFA offers resources for ethanol biorefineries and first responders alike to help mitigate the impacts of ethanol incidents. 


The Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) Committee has been extraordinarily proactive by working with federal, state and local governments as well as industry partners to bring much needed attention to hazardous materials regulations and other safety requirements. RFA Committee members are kept up to date on Department of Transportation HAZMAT regulations, OSHA compliance standards, and continuous education opportunities. EH&S Committee members support the development of nationwide ethanol safety seminars; these learning opportunities are offered free of charge to emergency responders through RFA and the TRANSCAER initiatives.

Ethanol Emergency Response

RFA has recently updated the training materials used by thousands of emergency responders to ensure the information is the most accurate and up-to-date educational experience for fire departments, police, emergency management technicians, environmental cleanup contractors, and more. Keep up-to-date on the Ethanol Emergency Response information at

Ethanol Safety Seminars

RFA, in partnership with several industry entities, hosts Ethanol Safety Seminars throughout the United States. This course was developed to give first responders, hazmat teams, fuel transporters, and safety personnel an in-depth look at proper training techniques needed when responding to an ethanol-related emergency. The seminars are FREE to attend. For a list of upcoming Ethanol Safety Seminars please go to To register, go to

Rail & Tank Car Information

For decades, the railways have served as the primary mode of transportation for the ethanol industry. RFA is committed to educating rail workers with the best practices for securing railcars transporting ethanol through a series of safety training resources that include documents on tank car manways, best practices for rail transport, ethanol railcar placarding and other materials to ensure the safe transport of ethanol. Please visit our Railroad & Tank Car Information page for more information and publications.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Safety Program

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a “sleeper hazard”; very little information outside scientific literature has been published to help facilities understand CO2 health effects and control CO2 exposures. The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Safety Program – Chemical and Physical Properties; Major Uses; Ethanol Manufacturing Production of CO2; Physical and Health Hazards; and Guidelines for Maintaining Safe Working Conditions, Including Safety Awareness, Safe Handling, and Hazard Minimization, is designed to fill the gaps.

Additional Resources


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